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Academic Services

Academic Services

Grant Proposals

The potential for conducting great scientific research is often hampered by insufficient funds. Whether you are applying for federal or private aid, utilize every source possible to submit a proposal that stands out from the competition. EWiz can help write and revise grant proposals.

Text and E-book Chapters

Educational resources require a level of clarity and conciseness to explain the topic at hand. Verbosity may cause the reader to lose interest in the subject matter. EWiz can simplify complex subject matters with language suitable for the target audience for both text-based and digital platforms.


Can help with:

Journal Articles

A strong publication record speaks volumes for not only securing grant funding but also academic tenure and industry approval. Publishing in peer-reviewed journals is highly competitive; ensure your manuscript exceeds publication requirements in a high impact factor journal by allowing EWiz to refine your manuscript.


As a graduate student, meeting the demands of your advisor while writing a thesis can truly be overwhelming. EWiz can help you overcome writer's block and organize your years of research into a concise and lucid document worthy of approval by your thesis committee.

White Papers

Unlock industry leadership and success through a compelling white paper that is not another sales pitch. EWiz has a track record of highly effective white papers in both the biotechnology and clean energy sector. Choose a writer who understands B2B intricacies, excels in research, and delivers impact. Let's craft a white paper that captivates your audience, sets you apart, and fuels valuable connections and investments.

Free Consultation!

Schedule your free virtual session with Dr. Hussain to discover the true potential of your work!